with unknown artist. $65. This gig probably didn’t happen as it is crossed out on paper calendar. Possibly over money dispute. On calendar: “keyboard 8-12 $65, 6-10 $125, keyboard $5, 8-12 $50 with food.”
Other possible address related to business is 11742 Monte Vista Dr Whittier, CA 90601
with unknown artist. $65. This gig probably didn’t happen as it is crossed out on paper calendar. Possibly over money dispute. On calendar: “keyboard 8-12 $65, 6-10 $125, keyboard $5, 8-12 $50 with food.”
Other possible address related to business is 11742 Monte Vista Dr Whittier, CA 90601
Artist: Bill Fulton on keys or pianoDate: Saturday, June 5, 1999
Time: 8:00:PM
Samantha's Courtyard Cafe - CLOSED
13033 Penn St #100
Whittier, CA 90602
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